Wednesday, October 31, 2012

“I revealed too much too soon. I was emotionally slutty.”

She's Just Not That Into You:
Nowadays the main form of communication is texting. We don't email or call that much anymore. But this rule can apply for any of these: texting, calling, or emailing but let's use texting for this example. After your initial meeting with a girl and the exchanging of numbers happens, if you text her and she doesn't text back the same day or the next day at the latest, then she's just not that into you. Unlike guys, who have some rule where they wait a minimum of two days to call or text, girls have no such rule. We don't like to wait and don't think we should have to wait. If we get a text from you we don't wait to respond. And this is a general rule even if it's not right after an initial first meeting, if you have known a girl for awhile and are currently just friends, are dating, friends with benefits, or whatever the case be, if she is not texting you back the same day or the next day at the latest you should get the hint and try texting someone else.

She's Into You:
When a girl is texting you about something trivial or makes you think 'why is she texting me about this'? Wake up and realize she's trying to find a reason to talk to you. And if you don't really know what to say that doesn't matter. Say anything and end it with a smiley face! She's already into you.

A Tip:
If you just had a date or a romantic hangout, text her right after to say you had a good time. Girls love that kind of thing because it shows you aren't trying to keep your cool and be unavailable.